Saturday, June 25, 2016

Many Moons

Full moons during the year have many different names in many different cultures.
Most people want something in the sky to be special and unique to their lifetime on Earth. An Earth that has been here for four and a half billion years.
Neil deGrasse Tyson
Traditional Native American names for the moons:
JanuaryDifficulty, Black Smoke
FebruaryRaccoon, Bare Spots on the Ground
MarchWind, Little Grass, Sore-Eye
AprilDucks, Goose-Eggs
MayGreen Grass, Root-Food
JuneCorn-Planting, Strawberry
JulyBuffalo (Bull), Hot Sun
AugustHarvest, Cow Buffalo
SeptemberWild Rice, Red Plum
OctoberLeaf-Falling, Nuts
NovemberDeer-Mating, Fur-Pelts
DecemberWolves, Big Moon

From Earth, the full moon appears fully illuminated because it is positioned directly opposite the Sun.

Strawberry Moon
Park Point, Duluth, Minnesota, 20 June 2016
Photograph: Grant Johnson

The June full moon is called the Strawberry Moon. Because the June full moon never gets comparatively high above the horizon, nor does the Sun get comparatively low below the horizon, the Strawberry moon is characterized by its reddish to honey-colored tint from sunlight filtered through our atmosphere.

This year the Strawberry Moon coincided with the June Solstice in the northern hemisphere. A Strawberry Moon on the summer solstice hasn't happened since 1948.

